Friday, March 21, 2008

Thanks to Celluloid and Science for Sexy Lingerie: Erotic Lingerie Evolves at the Speed of Light

It is of no surprise that the evolution of photography and film making served as a catalyst for the lingerie created today.

The first photographs ever taken of women were of women not in their normal attire but in sexy lingerie. Some of the earlist films or "movies" featuring women were very short only a few seconds long, but they were titillating pieces of seduction with women prancing around in revealing lingerie. But what a surprise how much science has lent a helping hand to the world of erotic clothing.

Both improvements in techniques of production of lingerie and also the science of photography and film making have been involved.

In the world of film noir, the leggy damsel was always found in "something more comfortable" later in the film. And that comfort was more for the eye of the unwitting man than her body. The femme fatale would almost always get her way (and her man) with a pair of heels and a racy negligee.

Bras were moving up in popularity and immortalized the figures of women like 'Sweater Girl' Lana Turner, Jane Mansfield, and Marilyn Monroe. Genius engineer Howard Hughes even took his talent for aeronautic design and focused on the female form by designing a bra for the illustrious Jane Russell. (This is reputed to be the first underwired bra.) And it is here where science married sexuality. While men reached the moon and made their huge leap for mankind in their Apollo Crafts, science worked on the heavenly bodies on earth to make its own huge leap for the art of seduction.

Science's influence on lingerie design inspired even more dedication by manufacturers to improve their styles, materials, and technology. Lingerie was evolving in the 60's and 70's but by the 80's, competition was in full force to make the next best panty line, the most advanced bra technology, the hottest outerwear corset and on and on. More manufacturers were taking onboard the latest designs, the latest technologies and major fashion houses were fully involved. The new Supermodels catwalked the lingerie as well as the outerwear.

A woman's tools for seduction are no longer just a lace up corset or a nightgown. One would think they were studying for a science exam when reading some of the literature that goes with a bra and panty set. And all this can be to a woman's advantage. Any woman can now take what seems like a simple article of clothing and use it to transform herself into the sexiest she can be with comfort and class.

Times have changed with regards to what is deemed sexy and with regards to how much a lady may reveal without revealing too much from beneath her lingerie. And something should be left to the imagination as it surely adds to the sex appeal (and what would be the point of the lingerie anyway?). With the imagination and pioneering work of scientists in all areas much is still to be discovered and seen. How much lingerie will be a involved with science in the future, we have yet to see.

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