Celebrities go all out at the moment to shield their babies from the press and protect their anonymity. You only have to look at the extreme actions of Michael Jackson and his veiled children to see that sometimes they can go to extremes. Now the veils are off, there is more interest than ever before and going by their Caucasian appearance, there has even been doubt cast upon their parentage.
Things haven't always been this way in the bizarre world of celebrity. Indeed, with some Z list celebrities, it is very much the same as it was in the past. Babies and toddlers are seen as an accessory to their mums. Dressed head to toe in Burberry and looking distinctly uncomfortable, you can't help but feel sorry for them.
Indeed, this attitude is not the sole domain of minor celebrities. Take a walk around Basildon shopping centre and you will see mini-me's all over the place. Children with t-shirts sporting provocative slogans, mini-skirts and even thongs aimed at pre-teen children have been very much slated by the middle class parent and child protection authorities.
Of course, every parent believes their child to be the cutest on earth and wants them to draw the right sort of attention. Funny baby t-shirts abound and are an innocent, fun way to bring a smile to people's faces. This then has the added benefit of raising a baby smile and so the chain continues.
We all know full well that babies are hard work. They cry, they smell, they puke, they demand and they do all this on the minimal amount of sleep - according to my daughter! However, see that baby smile and you cannot stop your heart from melting, however tired you may be.
Wrap that cuteness in a funny baby t-shirt and often the most hardened anti-baby old spinster will not fail to feel a maternal stirring.
A funny baby t-shirt can serve as a warning - 'sleep proof', 'small but dangerous' and 'attention seeker' are just a few that can warn friends and family in the vicinity of the current mood. These are often saved for the boys with girls sporting funny baby t-shirts that are more likely to make declarations such as 'world's cutest baby', 'simply adorable' and 'a star is born'.
My personal favourite in the arena of funny baby t-shirts right now is the one which simply says 'me, me, me, me, me, me, me'. That pretty much covers most babies' attitudes!
Uniquely funny baby t-shirts can be a good thing. It makes your child much easier to spot in a crowded place and some companies will add virtually any wording of your choice to baby wear.
It is important to bear in mind that personal names are never a good idea when you think about the dreaded subject of stranger danger. If a child feels a stranger knows their name they will immediately feel more familiar and less on guard with them, thus putting them in harm's way.
So, when looking for baby wear with a difference, there is nothing wrong with a little fun, just remember not to add any personal details. A baby in a t-shirt with a fun slogan certainly looks better than a child trussed up in a stiff denim jacket, mini skirt and endless accessories. Child comfort does in no way have to be compromised for style.
Today's mothers would do well to appreciate the fact that times have moved on from smock dresses and nylon dungarees in the choice of baby clothes that I remember!
Source: http://www.classicarticles.com/Article/A-New-Trend-In-Baby-Wear/54604
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